What is a Holistic Veterinarian?

Holistic healthcare is a system of evaluating the physical, emotional and environmental aspects of a patients condition in order to offer a multifaceted approach to healing. Holistic treatments may include supplements, acupuncture, herbs, dietary improvements, homeopathic remedies, chiropractic treatment, physical therapy or conventional medical therapies.  Holistic care recognizes that the immune system and the vital force are the true healers of the body. Sometimes drugs and surgery are needed and other times the risks and side effects outweigh the benefits of these conventional treatments. In many cases holistic modalities can work with conventional treatments for the best interest of the patient.

Holistic care is for all ages!

Animals and owners like to come to Holistic Veterinary Consultants. The atmosphere is calm and comforting with no slippery floors or stainless steel tables to get on. Dogs are examined on the floor or on a comfortable bed or even on the sofa with their owner, if they prefer. Cats may be examined and treated in a comfortable basket with a warm towel. Aromatherapy scents and healthy treats for you and your pet make the holistic experience something to look forward to!  There are no antiseptic scents, surgical smells, or radiation in the building. There are no distressed pets or barking dogs in the background. Just you and your pet will get the doctor’s undivided attention for your appointment. 

We offer healthy supplements, feeding guidelines, wellness examination, and vaccination recommendations for puppies and adults. A healthy lifestyle will prevent illness and allergies from developing later!

When injuries happen, we provide additional  products and ideas for pain management and healing that complement the conventional veterinary care you use for emergencies. Dr. Lewter  works with your referring veterinarian to formulate the best plan for recovery .

Along the healthy happy life journey, your pet will need annual physical exams, blood screening and parasite tests. These treatments can be done in our office or on a convenient housecall.  Dr. Lewter takes care of horses, cattle, goats, and sheep so you can get everything done at once!

When metabolic and age related illness occurs we offer nutritional help, supplements, herbal medicines and pain management which may include acupuncture or referral for chiropractic adjustment or homeopathy.  We focus on quality of life and family choices for your pet’s healthcare.  After all, you are the primary caregiver and your plan must complement your lifestyle.  

When your companion reaches the end of life, we offer insight and ideas for treating this valued member of your family with dignity to the very end. Dr. Lewter will make home visits so the animal does not have to travel. During this time, nutritional management becomes a new challenge, and we are there to help. Patient comfort becomes a primary concern and hospice for animals offers support.  If suffering is uncontrollable, sedation and euthanasia may be done right at home.