Why holistic medicine?

Why holistic medicine?

Holistic healthcare is a system of evaluating the physical and emotional, and environmental aspects of a patients condition and then to offer a multifaceted approach to healing. Holistic treatments may include supplements, acupuncture, herbs, dietary improvements, homeopathic remedies, chiropractic treatment,, physical therapy or conventional medical therapies Holistic care recognizes that the immune system and the vital force are the true healers of the body. Sometimes drugs and surgery are needed and other times the risks and side effects outweigh the benefit of these conventional treatments. Sometimes holistic modalities can work with conventional treatments for the best interest of the patient.

Holistic care is for all ages! .

Holistic care will assess and nutritional issues, behavioral issues, and preventive care guidelines When injuries happen, we provide additional  products and ideas for pain management and healing that complement your conventional veterinary care you use for emergencies. Dr. Lewter works  with your referring veterinarian to formulate the best plan for recovery .